Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pam's Page

On this crisp fall morning, a plump Norah has just greeted me on the downstairs changing table (aka dining room table) where Eric recounted stories of their weekend away at the Melick's house. There Norah entertained all with her giggles. Yes, Norah B is giggling! And just what has sparked these first giggles of hers? Why a soccer ball, of course! Can't wait to dig out an old ball from the garage and bounce it around in front of her. I want to hear those giggles, too. She is focusing so hard on rattles placed in front of her. You can see her will her hand to move toward the toy and then again will her fist to open as she attempts to grab it. Magical. I don't know how anyone could witness such development and still think there is no God. That would require a leap of faith for me, to not believe that there is a Creator behind such miraculous movement.

My home Al-Anon meeting starts in 2 minutes, not making it there for I have my dear BSF women to call, a Fellowship dish to create, a desk full of papers, and a shower yet to be taken. Oh yes, personal grooming does fit into the daily schedule today, especially after Killer Karen's workout this morning. Jim and I continue to contemplate asking for a new trainer. But she's so dang good at what she does, training-wise. We pay $ #@% per month for her torture chamber. We must be crazy; perhaps those funds should be put towards a shrink.

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